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Version: 0.80.0


Kurtosis can be used to run a Starlark script or a runnable package in an enclave.

A single Starlark script can be ran with:

kurtosis run

Adding the --dry-run flag will print the changes without executing them.

A Kurtosis package on your local machine can be run with:

kurtosis run /path/to/package/on/your/machine

A runnable Kurtosis package published to GitHub can be run like so:

kurtosis run

If you want to run a non-main branch, tag or commit use the following syntax kurtosis run

Arguments can be provided to a Kurtosis package (either local or from GitHub) by passing a JSON-serialized object with args argument, which is the second positional argument you pass to kurtosis run like:

# Local package
kurtosis run /path/to/package/on/your/machine '{"company":"Kurtosis"}'

# GitHub package
kurtosis run '{"company":"Kurtosis"}'

If the flag --main-function-name is set, the JSON-serialized object will be used for passing the function arguments.

For example, if the main function signature (inside this file has this shape:

# the plan object will automatically be injected if the first argument name is 'plan'
def my_main_function(plan, first_argument, second_argument, their_argument):
# your code

It can be called like this:

# you don't have to pass the plan object as an argument because it will automatically be injected by default if the first argument name is 'plan'
kurtosis run '{"first_argument": "Foo", "second_argument": "Bar", "their_argument": {"first-key:"first-value", "second-key":"second-value"}}' --main-file src/ --main-function-name my_main_function


This command has options available to customize its execution:

  1. The --dry-run flag can be used to print the changes proposed by the script without executing them
  2. The --parallelism flag can be used to specify to what degree of parallelism certain commands can be run. For example: if the script contains an add_services instruction and is run with --parallelism 100, up to 100 services will be run at one time.
  3. The --enclave flag can be used to instruct Kurtosis to run the script inside the specified enclave or create a new enclave (with the given enclave identifier) if one does not exist. If this flag is not used, Kurtosis will create a new enclave with an auto-generated name, and run the script or package inside it.
  4. The --with-subnetworks flag can be used to enable subnetwork capabilties within the specified enclave that the script or package is instructed to run within. This flag is false by default.
  5. The --verbosity flag can be used to set the verbosity of the command output. The options include BRIEF, DETAILED, or EXECUTABLE. If unset, this flag defaults to BRIEF for a concise and explicit output. Use DETAILED to display the exhaustive list of arguments for each command. Meanwhile, EXECUTABLE will generate executable Starlark instructions.
  6. The --main-file flag can be used to set the main file filepath, the "main" file is a file for the main method (i.e. the package's entrypoint) which will be executed first; the filepath has to be relative to the package's root. The default value is ''. This flag is only used for running packages. Example: if your main file is located in a path like this you should set src/internal/ as the relative path.
  7. The --main-function-name flag can be used to set the main function name, which will be executed first as the entrypoint of the package or the module. The default value is 'run'.

Example of using setting the --main-function-name flag

For example, to run the start_node function in a file, simple use:

kurtosis run --main-function-name start_node

Where start-node is a function defined in as so:

# code
def start_node(plan,args):
# your code